For those just tuning in, my theme for 2018 is "starting fresh" and getting back to the basics of calligraphy. For the month of January, I'm inviting you into my process and to see if we can start fresh in learning, growing, and creativity. 

Over the last five years, I think I've somewhat figured out my preferred way of practicing and beginning a calligraphy session. Compared to where I began, there are so many good (and some that are meh) resources out there for beginners and beyond. 

I don't think you absolutely need all of these things, but this is what I've found I turn to most often when strictly practicing calligraphy. 

3 places I generally purchase supplies:

LOCAL: Texas Art Supplies

ONLINE: John Neal Bookseller (JNB) & Paper Ink Arts. Their prices are pretty comparable, but I've found JNB to have better explanations behind their nibs, holders etc. 

1.  NIBS I'm using for practice and work (I've included the link in each picture to where I purchase them online.)

2. The holders I'm using. I use oblique holders over straight almost exclusively, although I do have a few straight holders from when I first began. Heads up:  there are often different holders for different nibs. If you are just starting, I suggest getting the Zebra G nib with Blackwell holder. 

3. The paper I'm using (yes, I even have a specific paper I prefer to practice on!)

4. RESOURCES for learning.

Elanor Winter's book, "Mastering Calligraphy," has been my go-to for drills, refreshing on a certain letter form, and all around guidance for a standard copperplate. 

I also regularly visit the Iampeth website (i.e. master calligraphy club of sorts) for lined practice sheets, tutorials, and support. I'll share more on this later, but I HIGHLY downloading their FREE  layout guides. The paper I mentioned above is wonderful for practice. I lay it over my guides so I don't have to keep printing paper...

5. The Ink I'm using. 

There you have it! Join me this month as I get back to the basics. 


Calligraphy Gift Guide: Updated


Guest Blogger || Zoe Loeser || Goal Setting